hey my friend! here’s in your inbox another Balboa Park’s episode.
Today I’m talking about posting on social media when you are an artist, a freelance or an indipendent business owner.
Is it more important to stay on brand or to stay… happy? :)
and in exclusivity for this email you can see the monoprint experiments I’m talking about in this episode.
have you ever tried monoprint? I used my glass desk as the matrix on which pour color and then I printed directly on paper.
I know that MONOprint it’s supposed to be just one print (mono) but I tried 2 everytime.

and I also did something not very “MONOprinty” because I did another passage with red color. so maybe my MONOprints were actually FOURprints?
tell me what you think about all this
and thank you for opening, reading and listening to this email! you rock!
and maybe you can share it with your fave social media friend!
take care!
PS: if you want to get tattooed in La Rochelle this is the link: https://encre.me/strangeland-x-nicoz-balboa
and if you want to know more about my Graphic Journal Club, this is the link: https://www.patreon.com/graphicjournalclub/about
and this is my online store, if you feel “spendy”’ or maybe only supportive: https://www.nicozbalboastudio.com/store/
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